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FluxMaster Electromagnetic Chuck Controls



Quote Request

  • Do you service Electro-Matic chuck controllers?
    Unfortunately, Electro-Matic chuck controllers are no longer serviceable. We are able to provide troubleshooting advice to keep your Electro-Matic chuck controller running but cannot provide parts for it. Our technicians 50+ years of experience with chuck controllers allows our team to give you support for as long as the Electro-Matic chuck controller is functioning.
  • Do your chuck controllers work on other brands of chucks, such as Blanchard or Walker?
    Yes, our chuck controllers are compatible with every chuck brand and provides superior holding, dependability, and service no matter what chuck you have.
  • Can I get parts for an older chuck controller?
    We do provide service for our chuck controllers, no matter the age. While direct part replacement might be difficult, our team is willing to work with you to keep your controller running.
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