Vacuum Chucks, Systems and Accessories
Our versatile line of Vacuum Chucks provides an easy and economical answer to your workholding problems.
From standard units to custom designed chucks and systems, we can meet your non-magnetic workholding needs.
Through the principle of negative pressure, Magna-Lock USA Vacuum Chucks hold ferrous, non-ferrous and non-metallic materials and work pieces with pounds to tons of dependable vacuum holding power.
The compact size, simplicity of design, and amazing versatility of our Vacuum Chucks, improve production and increase hourly output.
Our rotary vacuum chucks can have groove patterns that are circular or grid. Shown here is our circular pattern. Specifications for depth and width can be specified by customer.
When ordering our Channel-Seal for your vacuum chuck please measure correctly. Normally it should be 1/32” above the chuck. Channel-Seal stretched too far during installation will produce an insufficient seal between the chuck and work piece causing holding problems. Worn, torn, or aged Channel-Seal can produce an insufficient seal as well.
This special vacuum chuck required specific dimensions and shape of customer's unique part. Using our Channel Seal and indicator pins, this chuck proved to be very successful for this customer.
VacMaster III with customer's part on rotary vacuum chuck on rotary union adapter.
Our engineering department can design a vacuum chuck for even the smallest of workholding needs.
Magna Lock manufacturers a wide variety of standard sizes to fit most existing machining and assembling equipment.
Check out our vacuum product brochure, which includes all standard vacuum machine tools, specs, spare parts, and much more!
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