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About Us

Workholding Made Simple

Magna-Lock USA is a long-standing workholding brand that is proudly owned and operated by Obsidian Manufacturing Industries, Inc., a certified EDWOSB.


Magna-Lock USA has provided workholding solutions across all manufacturing industries since the 1940s, including magnetic & vacuum chucks, Magna Flux chuck controls, Magna-Vises clamps, and service on all products.


 We are able to help you find what works best for your need in the present while our team is always ready to service your future needs, with both new chucks, controls, and more available.

We are one of the foremost workholding brands in the world, providing workholding since 1948.


We provide electromagnetic chucks of all shapes and sizes, chuck controls for all workholding brands, vacuum workholding products, permanent & sine chucks, as well as servicing, repairing, and rebuilding all chuck brands on the market.


We are the original equipment manufacturer for Magna-Vises, a unique clamping device, and all other Magna-Lock USA accessories, including collector rings for rotary chucks, parallels & V-blocks, and more.


We have worked with customers from many industries, providing custom work to industries such as robotics, automobile industry, and the aerospace industry.

Other Obsidian brands

Arter Precision Surface Grinders
MagnaLift & Power-Grip lift magnets
Obsidian Manufacturing Surface Grinding services
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