HL series
The Economag Chuck is one of the most popular chucks in the industry and features a fine pole pattern that runs longitudinally resulting in a full magnetic surface to all edges of the chuck. This chuck has the lowest height in the industry allowing more head room on your grinder for jigs and fixtures. These chucks are ideally suited for small and thin workpieces and for parallels and V-blocks.

The lower height of these magnets mean more head
room clearance for your machining process or for the
addition of a fixture. The longitudinal laminated top
plate design is all steel construction with 1/8” magnetic
steel poles and 1/32” non-magnetic stainless-steel separators extending end to end. This durable top plate
design is easily reground. The HL series design provides
high holding power at ends and corners where single
workpieces are normally placed. Also, each chuck is
furnished with adjustable end and back stops and two
hold-down clamps.